Find Your True Calling: How the Ikigai Test Can Help You

A Few days back, I online purchased “The Little Book of Ikigai” written by Ken Mogi. As I spent the next few days reading the book and exploring the concept of Ikigai from a scientific and philosophical perspective, I realized how much this unpretentious yet influential idea resounded with me. Intrigued, I wanted to learn more about it, and coincidentally, my brother recommended another book on the same subject to me at that time- “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” written by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles.

”Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” takes a more holistic approach, discovering how the principles of Ikigai can be applied to various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, and personal growth. Honestly speaking, the day I learned properly about Ikigai, my life and my outlook towards life was changed.

My Life Has Been a Roller-Coaster Ride 

I was a science student in school with physics, chemistry, and biology as my main subjects. But later, with my inclination toward fashion design and styling, I completed my bachelor’s degree in fashion & apparel design.

I started my fashion career as a designer and merchandiser for an export house. Then I switched to graphics and worked for a leading fashion magazine.

Through all this, I always felt like something was lacking behind me. I was continuously trying to find the common factor at each step of my journey. I used to ask myself ‘How do I provide value to others through my work’? Somehow a vital part of my personality was not aligned with my profession.  

Ikigai Test Helped Me with My Personal Growth and Finding My Life Purpose

In their book Ikigai, Garcia and Miralles write, “Our Ikigai is hidden deep inside each of us, and finding it requires patience”. As time went by, I acquired the patience to rewire my mind and align my actions with my needs to make a difference in the lives of other people.

And once I started exploring further the Ikigai principle, the whole story started to make sense. There is something extremely satisfying about having an interest that combines all your utmost passions. Writing allows me to amalgamate my love for writing with everything else I am passionate about. (And the best part is I am getting paid for it😊).

I started my blog and a podcast. At this time, I also started writing for various fashion & lifestyle websites. I started getting substantial freelance content writing projects. I had found my calling as a content creator. I had found my ‘Ikigai’.

What Is Ikigai?

Various dissimilar Japanese cultural beliefs craft an entire nation and community to live a specific way. Ikigai is no different. It is a Japanese concept which means ‘’the purpose for being’’.

For Several years, Japanese people have applied this concept to find their life purpose and the definite goal to reach in their life. In simple words, your ‘’Ikigai’’ is your reason to wake up every day. It can be different from individual to individual. While this concept initially originated in Okinawa, today lots of Japanese people use their individual Ikigai as an inspiration to go through their day-to-day life and remain focused on significant tasks.

Benefits Of Ikigai

For various people, finding their own Ikigai can help them to live a more satisfying, happier, and easier life. It helps you change your daily habits, plans and actions to make you re-evaluate your purpose and goals for the future. Ikigai can help you live a meaningful life and attain the mental peace you may aspire for.

Finding Your Own Ikigai

To find your Ikigai, you must consider the four integral aspects of your life:

Your passion: what makes you happy in life

Your mission: what the world needs from you and how you can provide it

Your interest: what you are good at

Your occupation: what you can accomplish and get paid for

The single entity you will discover in the junction of these four integral aspects of your life is your Ikigai.

How To Take The Ikigai Test

You can perform a brief Ikigai test by asking yourself (and maybe writing down) several questions based on the four aspects discussed above:

Finding Your Passion

List down specific things you relished doing since childhood?

Which activities make you feel content and satisfied?

Finding Your Interest

Discover your skills and talent

List down your strong points

Finding Your Mission

What feels relevant to you or what makes you angry or sad?

How can you offer a unique solution to the thing which feels relevant to you?

Finding Your Profession

Can you offer any products or services that people would require?

Which skill or talent can be considered as a vocation so that you can get paid and provide for yourself or your family?

How Accurate Is The Ikigai Test 

When you have done answering all the above questions, go through the answers. Take efforts to find a ‘purpose’ that could implement all your ikigai test answers. If the ‘determined purpose’ makes sense and feels reasonable to you or if it makes you happy and gratified then it is your Ikigai. This might be the path you would like to discover. Concluding the meaning of life is not an easy task, but taking an Ikigai test can help you get the right direction.

Can The Ikigai Test Help You Find Your Life Purpose?

To all those who have not found their Ikigai yet, I would say be persistent and keep trying. Use the Ikigai Test to find the intersection where your talent, skills, interests, and values align.  Believe that you have a purpose, and it will take some time to find your main goal in life. But once you achieve it there is no looking back. I have found my own Ikigai to live a life of significance and make a difference. So can you!

Feature Image Source: Pexels

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3 thoughts on “Find Your True Calling: How the Ikigai Test Can Help You

  1. That final chart makes great sense, Prachi!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks , I kind of refer to it every time whenever I feel like confused or something regarding my work!


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