The Enduring Appeal of French Bistro Style Kitchen Design

Interior of Kitchen

Alexander F Ungerer/Pexels

However, the concept has changed histrionically since its inception. It reformed even more by the time it was introduced in the United States and spread throughout the European continent.

Modern bistro-inspired kitchens continue to exemplify these characteristics turning the typical kitchen into a small art galleria; where you can spend time with your family over a cup of coffee. These contemporary French bistro kitchens have the aesthetics and designs flawlessly flow into each other yet have a different ambiance.

New kitchen counter corner with utensil

Max Vakhtbovycn/Pexels

Bistros have their own, exclusive dining culture which makes you besotted at times. With a unique décor, cooking style, and that flea market impression and air of genuineness bistro kitchen décor is the perfect choice for those who want to work the eatery’s stylish French style into their kitchen.

Various signature elements add up to a kitchen to provide it with a bistro-stimulated look and feel. They are considerately curated to imitate the idea of the small space, combining European bistro charm with an exclusive twist.

Classic gray and white countertops or ceramic tiles in various shapes adorn the backsplash and walls of the kitchen; making the space bright and relaxed. Attractive glassware and white dishware are integral elements that pose as “art” to “viewers.”

White Ceramic Plates and Bowls on White Kitchen Countertop

PNW Production/Pexels

Instead of upper cabinets within the kitchen design scheme; open shelving is fixed to the wall with the help of iron brackets. These open shelves or cabinets are often designed to showcase their obscure dark hue tones and vintage doors. Not to forget the metal layering décor, you can easily find gold, copper, or iron on the hardware and fixtures in a classic Parisian bistro kitchen. Also, chandeliers and light pendants hanging from the ceiling are a distinctive feature of the French bistro kitchen. 

Apart from décor, bistro cooking is all about soups and rustic salads, ham, and cheese crêpes, steamed asparagus, wine, and desserts from your grandmother’s kitchen that bring back all the nostalgia making you feel most reminiscent.

Brown Plate on Wooden Table


Feature Image Source: Niki Nagy/Pexels

2 thoughts on “The Enduring Appeal of French Bistro Style Kitchen Design

  1. Defined by classic interiors and café-inspired seating, this kitchen trend is truly timeless.

    Liked by 1 person

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